S-4.2, r. 4 - Regulation respecting the Provincial Committee on the dispensing of health and social services in the English language

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À jour au 1er septembre 2012
Ce document a valeur officielle.
chapter S-4.2, r. 4
Regulation respecting the Provincial Committee on the dispensing of health and social services in the English language
Act respecting health services and social services
(chapter S-4.2, s. 509).
1. The Provincial Committee on the dispensing of health and social services in the English language is hereby established. It shall be composed of 11 members who represent the English-speaking population as follows:
(1)  2 users of health and social services;
(2)  3 persons from community organizations committed to the promotion of the interests of the English-speaking population, to activities related to the field of health and social services and volunteer work;
(3)  3 persons working in the field of health and social services;
(4)  3 persons working in the education, municipal, economic or labour field.
O.C. 683-93, s. 1.
2. The Minister of Health and Social Services shall, taking into account the purpose for which the committee was established, invite organizations, associations or health and social services institutions to provide a list of persons belonging to each of the groups referred to in section 1. The Minister shall appoint the members of the committee based on those lists.
O.C. 683-93, s. 2.
3. The term of office of the chairman and the other members of the committee is a maximum of 3 years.
Upon the expiry of their term, they shall remain in office until they are reappointed or replaced.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, their term cannot be renewed more than once.
O.C. 683-93, s. 3.
4. A member’s office becomes vacant upon the member’s death, if the member is absent from 4 consecutive regular sittings without explanation for the absence or if he transmits his resignation in writing to the Minister and a copy thereof to the chairman.
O.C. 683-93, s. 4.
5. The members of the committee are not remunerated. They are entitled to the reimbursement of expenses incurred in the performance of their duties on the conditions and to the extent determined by the Government in accordance with section 165 of the Act respecting health services and social services (chapter S-4.2).
O.C. 683-93, s. 5.
6. The members of the committee shall appoint a chairman and a vice-chairman from among their number.
The Minister shall appoint one of the members of the staff of the Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux to act as secretary of the committee.
O.C. 683-93, s. 6.
7. Any vacancy occurring during a term shall be filled, for the unexpired portion of the term, according to the mode of appointment prescribed in section 2.
O.C. 683-93, s. 7.
8. The chairman shall preside over the meetings of the committee and manage the activities thereof. The chairman shall also act as the liaison between the committee and the Minister.
The vice-chairman shall stand in for the chairman when the chairman is absent or unable to act.
O.C. 683-93, s. 8.
9. The head office of the committee shall be situated in the territory of Ville de Montréal.
O.C. 683-93, s. 9.
10. The duties of the secretary shall be as follows:
(1)  give the notices of meetings;
(2)  prepare and sign the minutes of the committee meetings and, after their adoption, ensure that they are signed by the chairman;
(3)  ensure the keeping and conservation of the committee archives;
(4)  keep a complete, updated list of the members of the committee and their addresses;
(5)  certify the minutes and the documents of the committee;
(6)  perform any other duty that may be assigned to him by the committee, relative to the committee’s mandate.
O.C. 683-93, s. 10.
11. The committee shall hold its meetings at its head office or at any other location in Québec determined in the notice of meeting.
O.C. 683-93, s. 11.
12. The committee shall sit not fewer than 6 times a year.
O.C. 683-93, s. 12.
13. Meetings of the committee shall be called by the chairman or the secretary.
The secretary is required to call a meeting of the committee at the written request of not fewer than 8 members.
O.C. 683-93, s. 13.
14. The committee shall be convened by a notice in writing transmitted to the home or business address of each member. Upon the decision of the chairman, the committee may depart from the formal calling of a meeting and hold a meeting of the committee by telephone conferencing.
O.C. 683-93, s. 14.
15. Six members, including the chairman or vice-chairman, constitute a quorum of the committee.
O.C. 683-93, s. 15.
16. The decisions of the committee are made by a majority of the members present. In the case of a tie, the chairman of the committee or in his absence the vice-chairman has a casting vote.
O.C. 683-93, s. 16.
17. Any meeting of the committee may be adjourned to a future date without a new notice of meeting.
O.C. 683-93, s. 17.
18. The committee may
(1)  engage in consultations, seek the views and receive and hear the requests and suggestions of persons, organizations and associations in order to give advice and make recommendations in accordance with section 509 of the Act;
(2)  form sub-committees;
(3)  foster the creation and circulation of literature and information programs respecting the dispensing of health and social services in the English language.
O.C. 683-93, s. 18.
19. The committee shall, not later than 30 June of each year, prepare a report of its activites for the Minister for the year ending the previous 31 March.
O.C. 683-93, s. 19.
20. (Obsolete).
O.C. 683-93, s. 20.
21. (Omitted).
O.C. 683-93, s. 21.
O.C. 683-93, 1993 G.O. 2, 2787